Al Sabqeen General Contracting Company is a UAE national company, operating in the UAE since 2000, under the supervision of an administrative and professional management with more than 20 years experience, and has several branches in the United Arab Emirates. replica watches
Over the course of more than eighteen years, the company has completed, implemented, delivered and maintained many projects, including projects affiliated with Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, projects affiliated with First Gulf Bank, Loans and Housing Authority, and Al Ain Municipality, as well as direct private financing projects from the client. From the year 2000 until now, we are committed to the building code and its sustainability as an approved international system and code.
Achieving and accomplishing everything that comes from imagination and engineering creativity for the latest structural or architectural designs, whether internal or external to different buildings, according to the highest quality standards to meet the various requirements of people in this country, and implement the company’s commitment to effective contribution to society, to keep pace with the continuous and rapid development to maintain the top Economic prosperity that reached the state's economy.
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